for some localities the digitalized recordings are lined up with the IPA-transcriptions of the items manually (see website database)
This database (Goeman-Taeldeman-Van Reenen Project [GTRP]) is accessible in Webformat.
CD-Rom (out of stock)
B. Van den Berg with Ton Goeman, J. Taeldeman and P.Th. van Reenen & (2003)
Phonology & Morphology of Dutch & Frisian Dialects in 1.1 million transcriptions. Goeman Taeldeman Van Reenen Project 1980-1995 version 2.2. [Meertens Instituut Electronic Publications in Linguistics (MIEPiL III)] with cartographic tool. ISBN 90 70389 70 3.
The database contains the transcriptions of 1876 items (words, word groups, sentences) for 613 localities in the Netherlands, Dutch-speaking part of Belgium and a small part of northern France.
Fieldwork was done 1980-1995, at first in the Netherlands, then in Belgium and lastly in Friesland.
Phonetic transcriptions of the recordings from the fieldwork project Phonology and Morphology of the Dutch Dialects based on fieldwork (1983-1990 Netherlands). IPA-transcriptions in fine phonetic detail from 364 localities in The Netherlands (366 recordings), 58 Frisian localities, 179 Flemish localities and 10 localities in Northern France. De data base of the GTR(Goeman, Taeldeman en van Reenen) - Project is the basis for the Morphological Atlas of the Dutch Dialects (MAND, Amsterdam) and the Phonological Atlas of the Dutch Dialects (FAND, Gent). Collaboration in the past with: VU, Fryske Akademy, RUG, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Collaborators at the Meertens Institute: A.C.M. Goeman (projectleader), B.L. van den Berg, J-.P. Kunst (software and web-maintenance), P. Th. van Reenen (VU).
The list of items was made by a joint Dutch-Flemish committee of expert dialectologists. The items were chosen on phonological and morphological criteria.
-Nouns and their plural and diminutives
-Adjectives and their comparatives and superlatives
-Verbal forms: infinitives, 3rd. person sing. present, 1st. person singular past, participles
-Count nouns and indeclinabilia
-Whole paradigms of verbs with pronouns, and also some inversion forms, for a small number of verbs (regular, irregular, and suppletive)
-Some sentences
-Possessive pronouns
-Object pronouns
Because we needed a general point of reference valid for all dialects, the criteria were historical. For item vocalism this was West-Germanic vocalism; for the consonantism the Middle Dutch background was the basis.
Every vowel is represented in all its possible pre-coda positions. Abstracting away from word-initial consonantism, it is possible to set up what you may call semi-minimal pairs over vowel classes.
Goeman, A. & J. Taeldeman (1996), Fonologie en morfologie van de Nederlandse dialecten. Een nieuwe materiaalverzameling en twee nieuwe atlasprojecten. In Taal en Tongval 48: 38-59.
Most tape-recordings were made in the era of analog recording. As soon as the quality of digitalization became good enough, all recordings were digitalized.
All items were transcribed in narrow IPA (SIL). Flemish linguists were trained in a somewhat earlier version of IPA in which also the Reeks Nederlandse Dialectatlassen (1925-1986) were transcribed, and their transcriptions are rather broad (phonemic).
The projectleader in Belgium was Johan Taeldeman (Ghent U), in the Netherlands Ton Goeman (Amsterdam Meertens), and in Friesland Arjen Versloot (Leeuwarden Fryske Akademy) .
From the beginnings, Piet van Reenen (VU Amsterdam) set up the database of transcriptions with help of Ton Goeman. Ultimately, all data migrated to the Meertens Institute, which maintains the website, documentation and sound-archives; the Flemish and Frisian tapes have recently been given to the institute for archiving and maintenance. Ghent, Leuven and Leeuwarden will get a digital copy of their sound files. The analog tapes and the original disk-digitized sound files are stocked in a special climatized vault.