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Meertens Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
The Meertens Institute and its researchers are the subject of the seven-part roman fleuve J.J. Voskuil’s: Het Bureau.
From cold war to bureau-wars, from teacher to vice-director, from free research to the taming through management kits, from writing to congresses, from annual reports to headaches, from humans to animals.
The novel has caustic observations on one’s working place, the futility of human endeavours, the impossibilities of human contact, the loss of friendship and ideals, all against the background of the principal character’s constantly reproving marital alliance.
Reactions from some of the characters:
Research for this TV-recording was done by Maarten Slagboom in the paper Utrechts Nieuwsblad
See website: for a listing of the persons acting in the first volumes of this mega-novel.
A translation in German of the first volume of this “Mega-Roman” has appeared as Das Büro. Direktor Beerta. Roman at the publishing house of C.H. Beck München (21. Juli 2012). The translation by Gerd Busse is very good. The distance through German makes the novel all the more hilarious for a Dutchman.
Volume 2 ff appear at Verbrecher Verlag:
Das Büro 1. Direktor Beerta – 978-3-95732-006-3 (new edition in Verbrecher Verlag: 2015)
Das Büro 2. Schmutzige Hände – 978-3-95732-007-0 (September 2014)
Das Büro 3. Plankton – 978-3-95732-008-7 (Mai 2015)
Das Büro 4. Das A. P. Beerta-Institut – 978-3-95732-009-4 (Autumn 2015)
Das Büro 5. Und auch Wehmütigkeit – 978-3-95732-010-0 (Spring 2016)
Das Büro 6. Abgang – 978-3-95732-011-7 (Autumn 2016)
Das Büro 7. Der Tod des Maarten Koning – 978-3-95732-012-4 (Spring 2017)
Now, the novel gets its German addicts too. The Sozialforschungsstelle of the TU Dortmund organizes an evening (september 21, 2015) about Das Büro.
See also on t-deletion in Low German dialects: Michael Elmenthaler. 2011. Arealität, Situativität und innersprachliche Steuerungsfaktoren. Überlegungen zu einem mehrdimensionalen Atlas der norddeutschen Regionalsprache (am Beispiel der t-Apokope). In: Niederdeutsches Wort 51, 59-106.